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Remove Blog Posts 

Delete Negative Blog Posts 

Remove Blogger Posts . A negative or bad blog post or blog comment about you or your company can be one of the hardest items to have deleted or completely removed because of the 1st amendment (Freedom of Speech). Unfortunately people sometimes take freedom of speech to far and it seems more like internet slander.

There are over 180,000 new blogs created daily. Blogs usually rank very well on search engines like Google, plus you need very little technical knowledge to start a blog. Blogs give the average internet user the power to start a "venting" outlet, and if they want to bash your company on their blog, they can. What they say about your company on their blog will be taken seriously by readers.

We can Remove Wordpress Blogs, Remove blogs, Remove blogs, and remove other blog types from Google and other search engines. Don’t let a blogger ruin your online reputation, fight back with the help of Reputation Armor and our staff of highly trained and educated Reputation Management technicians.

Removing a negative blog post or having it deleted 100% is hard, but we can sometimes achieve this by communicating with the blog owner. It is a better idea and a lot safer if we prevent this negative blog entry or comment from showing up on search engines by countering the negative blog posts with positive blog posts about your company, and possibly launching a full scale reputation campaign for your company.

Warning: If you decide to contact a blog owner or a blogger directly VIA email or phone, it could end up adding more fuel to the fire. Contacting a blog owner and demanding removal sometimes makes the blogger actually post more negatives about you. The blogger can even post copies of your email conversations. Be careful! Let our trained team help you remove internet slander and online defamation that shows up on blogs.

We have successfully removed hundreds of negative blog posts over the past few years contact us for a free consultation and advice.



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